
7/19/2021: ” I’m a Corporate Housing Specialist & my company works with Insurance Adjusters to find a rental property for people who have been displaced from their home due to damages.  We will handle the monthly rental payment and security deposit on behalf of the families. Our company has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and have worked with many landlords and realtors around the country.  Please feel free to see our business references below and visit our website for further information. “.

7/26/2021: “Ok, great, you are the man, great job!” 
Boyd Berbick, Managing Agent, B&B Corporate Rentals, LLC

7/17/2021: “Thank you for calling Deep Care Property Mgmt directly asking us to manage your property, where do you learn from us?”, “I just asked a popular Wchat Group:  ‘who can recommend a reliable, convenient, affordable agent?’ , a close friend of mine recommended you Deep Care for doing this”.
Precious Muratov.

7/15/2021: “You property at Dresden has rented out at $3,250, the lease agreement is signed and security deposit obtained”. “Awesome Job, thank you, and also amazing job you and your crew did on cleaning! So glad I hired you”
Ram C.

6/28/2021: “Hi Jack, I  just want to express my heartfelt gratitude on your renting out my Forest Height property, the price $5,200/month is amazing. I am really impressed your incredible efficiency, all was done in a day’s work,  the housing view,   tenant interview, application, background check, agreement DocuSign, getting the security deposit… Indeed! job well done, we are really thankful!
Uma C.

5/12/2021: “Xiao Ying, just let you know the house you recommended has just leased out, rental price $4,050”, “$4,050? are you kidding? it’s really impressive. In Zillow it is recommended only $3,50. In the future, I will recommend more houses to you!”
Xiaoying Zhang.

4/18/2021: “Thank you Deep Care Property Management for finding such a good tenant in such a short time. The rental price exceeds my expectation. From last property management company, I only collected  $2,800 per month last year, now your guys have miraculously achieved $3,495, which is really great. Also I am also very happy on the house rehabilitation work, saved me over $1,500. I really like your guys! ” 
Qian Li

8/5/2021: “Hi Jack, what an amazing house you recommended to us, everything is so gorgeous, nice and clean, 5 bedrooms, backyard, the bamboo, roses… We are fortunate to know you and trust you. It’s unimageable that we made the decision even without seeing the house in person . God bless you! ” .
Amber Lee

6/12/2021: “Jack, I just want to tell you how appreciative I am to your fast response in fixing my kitchen mold issue. We are very happy to know you and the good experience interacting with you. One of the reasons we hang on this property is because of you, Deep property management company. Thank you” .
Steve Harper

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